Sabtu, 01 Desember 2012

Cheat Call of Duty 4

Untuk bisa menggunakan Cheat Call of Duty 4 kita harus menggunakan beberapa langkah agar cheat tersebut bisa bekaerja, ok kita langsung ke tutornya :

1.Pada saat bermain tekan Esc Pada keyboard, maka akan tampil jendela seperti berikut

2.Lalu pilih Options setelah itu pilih game options dan pada Enable Console pilihan no ganti menjadi yes (seperti gambar dibawah)

3.Langkah selanjutnya tekan Shift + ~ untuk memunculkan Windows Consule dan akan seperti dibawah ini

4. setelah muncul windows consule ketik seta thereisacow “1337” lalu enter. Setelah itu tekan kembali tanda ~ pada keyboard agar windows consule menghilang dan pilih Back maka anda akan kembali ke permainan.

5.Setelah itu tekan kembali tanda ~ pada keyboard lalu masukan devmap tekan enter maka akan muncul peringatan seperti dibawah ini, lalu tekan exit,dan akan masuk kemenu awal permainan lagi. Lanjutkan dengan memilih resume game.

6. Selanjutnya Setelah anda masuk kepermainan tekan kembali tanda ~ pada keyboard dan ketik maps/.d3dbsp, lalu enter.

7. Langkah terakhir kita coba memasukan Cheat yang kita inginkan, sebagai contoh saya ingin mempunyai semua senjata, maka saya ketik give all lalu enter dan tekan tanda ~ untuk memulai bermain.

Ada beberapa pilihan Cheat Code dibawah ini yang mungkin bisa di gunakan :
give allAccess All Weapons
godGod Mode
noclipNo Clipping Mode
notargetEnemies Ignore You
give ammoFull Ammo
jump_height #Adjust Gravity Default = 39
timescale #Adjust Time Default = 1.00
cg_LaserForceOn 1Add Laser Sights to ALL Weapons
demigodGod mode but screen still shakes
ufoSame as noclip?
r_fullbrightEasier to see things
cg_drawGunRemoves Your Gun
cg_fovZoom with any Gun
player_sprintSpeedScaleSet player's sprint speed
killKill player
cg_laserlight 1To draw the light emitted from the laser
take ammoRemoves your ammo
take allRemoves all your guns and health
sf_use_ignoreammo 1Allows you to shoot without reloading.

5 Hal Yang Bisa Membuat Cewek Kamu Ngambek

Yah sejujurnya sih ada banyak hal yang bisa bikin cewek tiba-tiba bete dan ngambek padahal sedetik sebelumnya baru aja ketawa-ketawa dan cubit-cubitan gemes sama kamu. Tapi kalo disuruh milih, yah kira-kira lima hal inilah yang paling sering membuat muka manisnya cewek kamu mendadak asem dan jadi jutek.

1. Mantan Kamu

Terutama sama mantan kamu yang paling kece dan dicemburun sama dia. Jangan sampai kamu keceplosan menyebut nama si mantan depan dia atau ketika kalian lagi berdua terus ketemuan gak sengaja sama si mantan di jalan, terus kamu cipika cipiki dan ngobrol panjang lebar. Mungkin cewek kamu bakalan cuma bediri dan senyum manis. Tapi hatinya terbakar. Jadi kalau mau menyelamatkan kencan kamu hari itu, mending pura-pura gak lihat, atau kalau mantan kamu keburu nyamperin, sok cool aja dan kenalin pacar kamu dengan mesra. Itu bakal membantu mendinginkan hati dan kepalanya. OH! Dan kalau kamu mau pergi hang out sama temen-temen kamu dan ternyata ada si mantan di rombongan itu, mending urungkan niat, atau jangan bilang sama cewe kamu. Tapi kalau kamu melakukan yang kedua dan dia tahu dari orang lain…You die.

2. Kamu Lupa Momen Penting Kalian

Dia ngundang kamu ke rumah, masak buat kamu, pake baju seksi terus kalian gejol asik. Pas lagi bersih-bersih dia ngasih kamu kado, trus minta kado balik. Kamu bingung. Ternyata hari itu hari perayaan jadian kalian. Mampus. Tapi paling gak kamu udah sempet gejol. Jadi kalo diputusin atau diambekin seminggu…ya gak papa dikit deh. Tapi kalau belum sempet, palingan kamu disiram kuah sop.

3. Kamu Membuat Dia Menunggu

Membuat wanita menunggu adalah haram jaddah hukumnya dalam hubungan percintaan. Apalagi kalau kamu janji dia jemput tengah malam di pinggir jalan tapi kamu gak datang-datang sampai kira-kira dua jam karena sibuk main PS atau ketiduran. Telen baygon aja mendingan. Kalau pacar kamu gak murka karena kamu melakukan hal tersebut, segera belikan cincin berbatu permata merah delima, karena cewek kayak gitu jarang ada. Mendingan langsung diikat di mahligai pernikahan.

4. Kamu Memuji Cewek Lain

Misalkan kamu memuji Vicky Vette sih mungkin dia gak bakalan segitu ngambeknya karena tahu gak bakalan kamu bisa dapetin si Tante Vicky. Tapi kalau kamu muji cewek yang dia kenal atau cewek-cewek yang ada di jangkauan dan sekitar kamu, perhatiin tampangnya deh, pasti jidatnya langsung berkerut dan alisnya jadi satu. Oh perhatiin tangannya juga dan benda-benda disekitar dia. Hati-hati melayang ke muka kamu plus teriakan ‘YAUDAH PACARAN AJA SAMA DIA! HUH!’ Huahahaha. Sukur.

5. Kamu Salah Manggil Nama Dia

Ini sih..aduh gimana ya, gak enak juga kita ngasih tahunya. Tapi mendingan kamu punya tampang dan strategi yang bagus deh untuk bisa bikin cewek kamu gak nyemburin api gas beracun.
Demikian sekilas info. Semoga berikut-berikutnya kamu bisa lebih mawas diri, introspeksi, dan berhasil menghindari hal-hal tersebut ya. Amin.

Minggu, 18 November 2012

20 Foto Yang Bikin Kamu Gampang Berkonsentrasi


foto binatang lucu
Jadi, menurut penelitian yang diberitakan di sini, kamu bisa jadi makin konsentrasi dalam mengerjakan tugas sehabis ngelihat gambar-gambar yang imut dan menggemaskan gitu. Nah, mulai sekarang, setiap kali kamu merasa susah berkonsentrasi, mendingan kamu liatin aja foto-foto berikut ini:

1. Rombongan Bayi Panda Lagi Tidur Siang

Panda bobo siang

2. Anak Babi Main di Rumput

Anak Babi Main di Rumput

3. Kucing Nyamar Jadi Singa

4. Bayi Jerapah

bayi jerapah

5. Anak Landak Lagi Ngulet

anak landak lagi ngulet

6. Bulldog Minta Diperhatiin

7. Bayi Burung Hantu

8. Bayi Gajah Main Bola 

9. Anak Landak Habis Mandi

10. Kelinci Angora

11. Tupai Lagi Nguap

tupai lagi nguap

12. Gajah Pakai Sepatu Boots

gajah pake boots

13. Beruang Kutub Makan Semangka

beruang kutub makan semangka

14. Wombat Lagi Tidur

wombat lagi tidur

15. Hamster Nggak Muat di Perosotan

hamster gak muat di perosotan

16. Bebek Afro

bebek afro

17. Anak Anjing Lagi Mandi

anak anjing lagi mandi

18. Anak Anjing Kegirangan

19. Walrus Makan Agar-agar

walrus makan agar

20. Hush Puppies Lagi Panik

Gimana? Cukup membantu kamu berkonsentrasi nggak? Yah, kalo pun nggak ngebantu-ngebantu amat minimal bisa bikin hati kamu jadi damai gitu, bro. Yang tadinya berniat menguasai dunia, sekarang pasti kepengen mengisap pipa perdamaian, ya gak?
Nah, tadi kan kita udah ngasih 20 foto yang bisa bikin kamu lebih gampang konsentrasi, nah supaya imbang, nih kita kasih kamu 1 foto yang bikin susah konsentrasi. Bonus. Biar imbang aja gitu, bro.
Oh in Hye sexy dress
Terima kasih kembali.

Copyright 2011
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives

Sabtu, 17 November 2012

Deus Ex : Human Revolution cheats

  • Infinite XP This glitch works anywhere, but the first and easiest place to do it is at Adam Jensen's computer, which is located in his office at Sarif HQ, after returning from the Sarif Manufacturing Plant hostage situation. Use the discovered Praxis Kit and an earned Praxis point to upgrade to Hacking Security Level 3. Try to collect as many Nuke Programs as possible to help speed up the process. The Nuke Programs can be collected in the Sarif Manufacturing Plant, or while searching and hacking into the computers around Sarif HQ. Before starting a hack, save the game. Hack all optional nodes, or the Network node to instantly complete the hack. Do not exit out of the hack or press a button to complete it; you will also want to make sure you are getting an +XP bonus. While using Adam Jensen's computer, hacking the special reward nodes will get you a +500 XP bonus. When you have acquired the optional nodes or captured the network node, pause the game, and load the saved game created before you hacked. Again, do not complete the hack. When the "Access Granted" window appears, do not select "OK". Load the saved game you created before starting the hack. Then, try the hack again. Repeat the previous steps, and capture every optional node or the network node. The game will keep your previous +500 XP bonus. For your second try, you will get +1000 XP. For your third try, you will get +1500 XP, etc. Do the trick five times to get +2500 XP. Make sure to keep loading and never select "OK" to complete the hack. Repeat this trick as many times as desired to get a lot of XP early in the game. You can always return to Adam Jensen's computer later in the game to repeat this trick, or try it on other hacking challenges throughout the game. Note: This glitch was done on an unpatched version of the game.
  • Easy XP When attempting a hack, save the game. Then, hack the optional nodes, but do not complete the hack. After you hack the nodes, load the previous saved game, and repeat the process. Once you finally complete the hack, you will get all the nodes (from the previous times you loaded) in addition to the nodes you get normally. Use this glitch on the computer in Jensen's office to get 500 XP every time you load for easy Praxis points. Note: This glitch was done on an unpatched version of the game.
    Try to execute as many non-lethal takedowns/kills as possible to earn more XP than you get from lethal takedowns/kills. Additionally, if you have the Reflex Booster augmentation (which allows you to take down two enemies at once), you can get an easy 125 XP from a non-lethal takedown/kill compared to a lethal takedown/kill.
    In Hengsha, every store has a back door. Open the door, and walk inside to get a 100 XP Traveler bonus.
  • Easy hacking To keep attempting hacks without running out of hack attempts, when the system is alerted before you run out of time, press [Q] to cancel hacking, then press [H], and the failed attempt will not count against your limited number of chances.
  • Easy kills Upgrade Hacking and Strength to be able to pick up turrets, which have unlimited ammo. Set them down or let them fire while you move to easily clear out a room. You will still get XP and headshots. You can also do this with robots.
  • Easy stealth kills To easily take down enemies silently, find an indestructible object such as a barrel or container, and carry it with you. When you find a group of enemies, stand in a position where you want an enemy to approach. While holding the object, throw it next to yourself or close to where you want the target to approach. The entire group of enemies will be alerted when they hear the object hit the ground or wall you threw it at, but only one should approach to investigate. The enemy will walk to the alerted area, stand where the sound came from, and then begin to walk back after finding nothing. You can then knock them out or kill them undetected. Note: If you throw the object a long distance, the investigating enemy may track the object's flight path directly back to your position. It is better to throw it nearby for repeated use.
  • Easy storage To store an item instead of carrying it around, simply throw it on the ground. The game saves the location of items -- even when you leave the region.
  • Easy Funicular waiting In Picus Communications, when you have to wait for the Funicular to come up, there will be enemies coming to kill you. Before you press the elevator button, block both entrances into the room with heavy objects. You can only do this if you have the Move/Lift Heavy Objects augment. There are two vending machines outside the room, two crates (one short, one big) next to the security computer, and the turret in the center that can be used to block the lower doorway and the side corridor. If you block the doorways correctly, the guards will stay in another room outside the entire time you are waiting for the Funicular. Note: It is recommended you save before pressing the elevator button in case the barricades do not work.
  • QR codes There are QR codes on boxes and other things throughout the game. Scan them with a QR readable phone to view hidden messages.
  • QR website Successfully complete the prologue, and start the first mission. Enter the warehouse, and search for cardboard boxes marked with "Sarif Industries" to find a QR barcode. Scan it with a QR readable phone to view a fictional website from the storyline.
  • Panel/door codes The following is a list of all codes for Bomb Panels, Laser Grid Panels, Safe Panels, and Security Panels in the game:
    Sarif HQ
      Helipad Storage - Code: 8053 (Security Panel)
      Sarif Industries F3 (Denzel Mitchell Office) - Code: 1364 (Security Panel)
      Sarif Industries F3 (Ted Bruger Office) - Code: 9642 (Security Panel)
      Sarif Industries F3 - Code: 0250 (Security Panel)
      Sarif Industries F2 (Frieda Malik Office) - Code: 5475 (Security Panel)
      Sarif Industries F2 - Code: 3716 (Security Panel)
      Sarif Industries F2 (Mike Pine Office) - Code: 4145 (Security Panel)
    Sarif Manufacturing Plant
      Assembly Line 1 F2 - Code: 1505 (Bomb Panel)
    Detroit City Streets
      Detroit City Streets (North) - Code: 0187 (Security Panel)
      Detroit City Streets (Central) - Code: 0002 (Security Panel)
      Detroit City Streets (Central) - Code: 1904 (Security Panel)
      Detroit City Streets (Central) - Code: 2928 (Security Panel)
      Detroit City Streets (Central) - Code: 6542 (Laser Grid Panel)
      Detroit City Streets (East) - Code: 4891 (Security Panel)
      Detroit City Streets (East) - Code: 1966 (Security Panel)
      Detroit City Streets (Southwest) - Code: 4626 (Security Panel)
      Detroit City Streets (Southeast) - Code: 5551 (Security Panel)
      Detroit City Streets (Southwest) - Code: 8982 (Security Panel)
      Detroit City Sewers - Code: 2599 (Security Panel)
      Detroit City Sewers - Code: 0000 (Bomb Panel)
      Detroit Sewers - Code: 8218 (Laser Grid Panel)
      Detroit Sewers - Code: 0110 (Security Panel)
    Detroit Apartments
      Jensen's Apartment - Code: 5375 (Safe Panel)
      Apartment 2 F1 - Code: 0739 (Safe Panel)
      Apartment 2 F2 - Code: 3733 (Security Panel)
      Apartment 3 B1 - Code: 8974 (Security Panel)
      Apartment 3 F1 - Code: 1077 (Security Panel)
      Apartment 3 F1 - Code: 1029 (Security Panel)
      Apartment 3 F1 - Code: 1031 (Safe Panel)
      Apartment 3 F2 - Code: 3663 (Security Panel)
      Apartment 3 F2 - Code: 8221 (Security Panel)
      Apartment 3 F2 - Code: 2356 (Security Panel)
      Apartment 4 F3 - Code: 1948 (Safe Panel)
      Apartment 4 F3 - Code: 7767 (Security Panel)
    Detroit Derelict Row
      Derelect Row F1 - Code: 3290 (Security Panel)
      Derelect Row F1 - Code: 5962 (Security Panel)
      Derelect Row F3 - Code: 5463 (Safe Panel)
    Detroit Police Department
      B1 - Code: 2599 (Security Panel)
      B1 - Code: 7366 (Laser Grid Panel)
      B1 - Code: 7366 (Laser Grid Panel)
      B1 - Code: 9212 (Security Panel)
      F1 - Code: 4816 (Security Panel)
      F1 - Code: 1856 (Security Panel)
      F3 - Code: 2231 (Security Panel)
      F3 - Code: 6065 (Security Panel)
      F3 - Code: 3727 (Security Panel)
    Fema Camp
      Fema Interior B1 - Code: 7984 (Security Panel)
      Fema Interior B1 - Code: 7984 (Security Panel)
      Fema Interior B1 - Code: 7984 (Security Panel)
      Fema Yard F1 - Code: 7984 (Security Panel)
      Fema Yard F1 - Code: 7984 (Laser Grid Panel)
      Fema Yard F1 - Code: 7984 (Laser Grid Panel)
    Hengsha City Streets
      Hengsha Streets (West) - Code: 3444 (Safe Panel)
      Hengsha Streets (East) - Code: 1381 (Security Panel)
      Hengsha Streets (East) - Code: 1339 (Security Panel)
      Hengsha Streets (East) - Code: 1379 (Security Panel)
      Hengsha Streets (East) - Code: 7845 (Security Panel)
      Lower Hengsha Streets (South) - Code: 5377 (Security Panel)
    Hengsha Buildings
      Hung Hua Hotel - Code: 7657 (Safe Panel)
      Alice Garden Pods F1 - Code: 3785 (Security Panel)
      Alice Garden Pods F1 - Code: 3824 (Security Panel)
      The Hive - Code: 0415 (Security Panel)
      The Hive - Code: 8953 (Safe Panel)
    Tai Yong Medical
      Storage Area - Code: 4865 (Security Panel)
      Storage Area - Code: 5720 (Security Panel)
      Storage Area - Code: 0821 (Security Panel)
      Pool - Code: 7934 (Security Panel)
      Pool - Code: 9409 (Laser Grid Panel)
      F1 - Code: 4713 (Security Panel)
      F3 - Code: 9762 (Laser Grid Panel)
      F3 - Code: 9762 (Laser Grid Panel)
      F3 - Code: 2459 (Laser Grid Panel)
      F3 - Code: 5126 (Laser Grid Panel)
      F4 - Code: 2967 (Security Panel)
      F4 - Code: 3090 (Security Panel)
      F4 - Code: 6906 (Security Panel)
      Penthouse - Code: 0117 (Safe Panel)
      F1 - Code: 0068 (Security Panel)
      Restricted Area F1 - Code: 0101 (Security Panel)
      Restricted Area F1 - Code: 1006 (Security Panel)
      Restricted Area F3 - Code: 1980 (Security Panel)
      Harvester Territory B2 - Code: 7920 (Safe Panel)
    Hengsha Seaport
      Seaport F1 - Code: 7785 (Security Panel)
      Seaport F2 - Code: 4589 (Security Panel)
      Seaport F3 - Code: 3295 (Security Panel)
    Omega Ranch
      Omega F1 - Code: 2410 (Security Panel)
      Omega F1 - Code: 9992 (Security Panel)
      Omega F1 - Code: 2535 (Laser Grid Panel)
      Omega F1 - Code: 1385 (Security Panel)
      Omega F1 - Code: 0111 (Security Panel)
      Omega F1 - Code: 0111 (Security Panel)
      Omega F2 - Code: 5377 (Security Panel)
      Omega F2 - Code: 1504 (Security Panel)
      Port of Entry - Code: 7153 (Security Panel)
      Machinery - Code: 9823 (Security Panel)
      Machinery - Code: 9823 (Security Panel)
      Tower - Code: 8024 (Security Panel)

  • Terminal usernames and passwords The following is a list of all Terminal and Security Terminal usernames and passwords in the game:
    Sarif HQ
      Sarif Industries F2 - Username: fpritchard, Password: nuclearsnke
      Sarif Industries F3 - Username: tbruger, Password: eclipse
      Sarif Industries F3 - Username: ajenson, Password: mandrake
      Sarif's Office - Username: amargoulis, Password: gsspgirl
      Factoring Lans F1 - Username: doutchman, Password: windmill
      Admin F2 - Username: fmarchand, Password: factotum
      Admin F2 - Username: gthorpe, Password: hydro
      Admin F2 - Username: rmccauf, Password: hvywethr
      Admin F2 - Username: sgrimes, Password: ovid
      Admin F2 - Username: tcaldwell, Password: talon
      Admin F2 - Username: mross, Password: lions
      Admin F2 - Username: fbrooks, Password: tipple
      Admin F2 - Username: vclark, Password: tigers
      Admin F2 - Username: cparker, Password: zinc
      Admin F2 - Username: mlatona, Password: redwings
      Admin F4 - Username: jthorpe, Password: hydra
      Factoring Labs F1 - Username: doutchman, Password: windmill
      Jenson's Apartment Lobby - Username: sterhorst, Password: queenbee
      Apartment 3 F2 - Username: docta, Password: atcod
      Apartment 3 F1 - Username: omalley, Password: trojan
      Police Department F1 - Username: bsterling, Password: investor
      Police Department F1 - Username: pdick, Password: lectrolam
      Police Department F1 - Username: jballard, Password: solempire
      Police Department F1 - Username: jchampagne, Password: grimster
      Police Department F1 - Username: wgibson, Password: baronnull
      Police Department F1 - Username: rdeckard, Password: unicorn
      Police Department F1 - Username: hellison, Password: cordwainer
      Police Department F1 - Username: bbethke, Password: maverick
      Police Department F1 - Username: pcadigan, Password: desprit
      Police Department F1 - Username: mfrezell, Password: llezerf
      Police Department F1 - Username: whass, Password: catharsis
      Police Department F2 - Username: fnicefield, Password: patriotism
      Police Department F2 - Username: cleboeuf, Password: dasteer
      Police Department F2 - Username: rpenn, Password: apophenion
      Police Department F3 - Username: cwagner, Password: fuckface
      Police Department F3 - Username: fmccann, Password: solanum
      Police Department F3 - Username: jalexander, Password: basileus
      Police Department F3 - Username: bgum, Password: justicar
      Police Department F3 - Username: guest, Password: password1
      Police Department F3 - Username: amurphy, Password: thighgun
    Fema Camp
      Fema Yard F1 - Username: wks0012, Password: ntlec59
      Fema Yard F1 - Username: spaxxor, Password: neuralhub
      Fema Interior B1 - Username: spaxxor, Password: neuralhub
      Fema Interior B1 - Username: spaxxor, Password: neuralhub
      Fema Interior B1 - Username: wks0010, Password: usprotkt
      Fema Interior B1 - Username: lbarret, Password: bullskull
      Fema Interior B3 - Username: spaxxor, Password: neuralhub
      Fema Interior B3 - Username: spaxxor, Password: neuralhub
      Fema Interior B3 - Username: wks2011, Password: crrctions
      Fema Interior B3 - Username: wks3021, Password: hmldsec1
      Fema Interior B3 - Username: wks4145, Password: hmldsec2
      Hung Hua Hotel - Username: msuen, Password: oleander
      Alice Gardens Pod 1 - Username: asgarden, Password: rbbthole
      The Hive - Username: bbao, Password: vanguard
      The Hive - Username: wbees, Password: paperfan
    Tay Zong Medical
      Pool - Username: poolrm, Password: pelagic
      F1 - Username: lgeng, Password: gehong
      F3 - Username: zarvlad, Password: muonrule
      F3 - Username: rkumar, Password: outback
      F4 - Username: nemuni, Password: ironfist
      F4 - Username: tymmf, Password: ebrain
      F4 - Username: gengl, Password: pangutym
      F3 - Username: mwells, Password: lavadome
      F3 - Username: jricard, Password: macro
      F3 - Username: atresman, Password: skylark
      F3 - Username: sbernard, Password: dumbass
      F6 - Username: jkenney, Password: montroyal
      F6 - Username: dgassner, Password: oneida
      Restricted Area F1 - Username: pcorbo, Password: spitfire
      Restricted Area F1 - Username: bshupper, Password: widget
      Restricted Area F1 - Username: jchapman, Password: diode
      Restricted Area F1 - Username: jchapman, Password: diode
      Restricted Area F2 - Username: emasse, Password: moufette
      Restricted Area F2 - Username: bnorthco, Password: sterling
      Restricted Area F3 - Username: ltodd, Password: titom
    Detroit Convention Center
      F3 - Username: wtaggart, Password: marjorie
      Territory B1 - Username: zhengl, Password: hirollr
      Territory B2 - Username: ttong, Password: mirrshds
    Hengsha Seaport
      Seaport F2 - Username: prmtr01, Password: collosus
      Seaport F3 - Username: jwang, Password: mainman
    Omega Ranch
      F1 - Username: dfalk, Password: topfrag
      F1 - Username: eblake, Password: hndstuth
      F1 - Username: dabblett, Password: monastic
      F1 - Username: ogomez, Password: techsmex
      F1 - Username: lmorano, Password: morpheus
      F2 - Username: aoconnor, Password: keppler
      F2 - Username: pwalts, Password: ruckus
      Port of Entry - Username: kathys, Password: mssinghme
      Landing Pad - Username: amelie, Password: lstforever
      Hyron Project - Username: hualing, Password: iwntlove
      Hyron Project - Username: daiyu, Password: frgottn
      Hyron Project - Username: marilyn, Password: yyyyyy
      Tower - Username: isabella, Password: rhemmberme
  • Praxis Kit locations Search the indicated locations to find the hidden Praxis Kits:
      1. Sarif Manufacturing Lab: As you exit the Assembly Line, you will reach the Factoring Labs with an elevator. After exiting the elevator, you will find the first Praxis Kit ahead in the hallway.
      2. Detroit City Sewers: Below or near the Chiron Building and around the northern sections of the Detroit Hub, enter the sewers, and look at the map. At the eastern corner, in a dead-end south of a sewer entrance, you will find a light wall. Upgrade your augmented strength to punch through the light wall and find the Praxis Kit.
      3. Detroit City Apartments: Enter the apartment building behind a locked gate down the alley behind the gun-runner's abandoned gas station. Go to the second floor of the apartment building, and break into the apartment with a level 5 lock, or enter the code "2356" to get in. Hack into the bedroom. Hack into the cage or enter the code "3663" (which is obtained from the computer terminal nearby) to enter the cage. Look on the shelves to your left when you enter the cage to find a Praxis Kit.
      4. Detroit LIMB Clinic: Two Praxis Kits can be bought here for 5,000 credits each. During the second visit to Detroit, the Praxis Kits will be restocked. A Doctor inside will also reward you with a Praxis Kit for completing his side quest during the second visit to Detroit.
      5. Hengsha LIMB Clinic: You can purchase two Praxis Kits here for 5,000 credits each. During the second visit, the Praxis Kits will be restocked. A Doctor inside will also reward you with a Praxis Kit for completing his side quest during the second visit.
      6. Hengsha City Streets: During your first visit, as Jensen moves to speak with the hacker in Alice Garden Pods, your pilot Malik will find you. Successfully complete her side quest to get a Praxis Kit.
      7. Hengsha Sewers: Underneath the city, look for a "U" section of sewers below the Huang Hua Hotel. You must be able to break through a light wall in the sewer to find a Praxit Kit with some pain killer.
      8. The Hive: Successfully complete the Bartender, Bobby Bao's, side-quest to get a Praxis Kit. Alternately, kill or stun Bobby Bao, and search his body to get the Praxis Kit.
      9. Hengsha: Successfully complete Malik's side quest to be rewarded with a Praxis Kit.
      10. Hengsha Court Gardens: Sneak into the elevator shaft. Instead of climbing up, climb down to the bottom of the shaft, and look underneath the elevator to find a Praxis Kit on the floor.
      11. Tai Yong Medical: On the second floor of the actual Tai Yong building, after entering the Lee Geng lab, go up to the second floor. Instead of going up to the third floor, turn left, take the hallway, and go through a door into another corridor where there are two offices. Enter the first office, or enter the second office and return to the first through the connecting door, to find a Praxis Kit in the south-western corner.
      12. Picus: As you enter the news building and reach the main office floor, you will see the area is empty. Go to the center row of cubicles, and check the center-left desks to find a Praxis Kit.
      13. Detroit City Apartments: Enter the apartment building across from the Chiron Building, and go up to the third floor to find a Praxis Kit near a dead body. There is an EMP mine hidden under the body; set it off first. You will find this one naturally while completing a main quest during your second visit to the Detroit Hub.
      14. Panchea: Deep inside the chaos of Panchea is a LIMB Clinic behind a barricade of vending machines. Move them or destroy them to get inside the Clinic. You can purchase two Praxis Kits for 5,000 credits each.
  • Unique XP ebook locations Search the indicated locations to find all 29 unique XP ebooks and get the "Doctorate" achievement:
    Mission 2
      1. The Nature Of Neuroplasticity: Sarif Industries, Tech Labs (Pritchard)
      2. Neural Interface Protocols - The PEDOT Revolution: Sarif Manufacturing Plant, room near cam/turret
      3. Artificial Muscles: Sarif Manufacturing Plant, just before you meet Zeke
      4. The Tyranny Of Biology: Sarif Industries, Office 25
      5. The Neural Hub - Design For A Next Generation: Sarif Industries, Office 27
    Mission 3
      6. The Visual Cortex 2.0 - The Eye, Redesigned: Detroit, Limb, hallway near surgery
      7. Nano Augmentation - Pipedream Or Theory For The Future?: Detroit, Greg Thorpe's bedroom
      8. Arms (and Legs) For Man - The Structure Of Cybernetic Limbs: Detroit (requires Level 5 Hacking), one floor above O'Malley's room (also contains a Praxis Kit)
      9. Respirocyte Technology & Hazardous Environment Parsing: Detroit, Seurat's bedroom (MCB gang building)
      10. The Intelligence Circuit: Detroit, Adam's apartment
      11. The Threat Of Cybernetic Discognition Disorder: Detroit, Police Station, Morgue
      12. Vestibular Augmentation And Enhanced Agility Factoring: Detroit, Derelict Row (building below transmitter, on a barrel)
      13. Blurring The Boundaries Between Man And Machine: FEMA Detention Center (near end of level room, next cafeteria, -4 floor between toilets)
    Mission 4
      14. The Science And Theory Behind Cochlear Implants: Hengsha, Diamond Chan area (look for stairway, second floor apartment)
      15. Invasive Brain Machine Interfaces: Hengsha, Diamond Chan area (facing his apartment, turn 180 degrees, cross walkway, in first apartment on the left)
      16. Understanding Vision (Part 1): Hengsha (Hacker's building, take elevator down, go to main door on your right, first hackable apartment on the right)
      17. Optical Enhancement Functionality: Hengsha, The Hive (exit Mr. Tong's office, look for security cam, and enter security room)
      18. The Use Of Neuromuscular Facilitation Systems: Hengsha, The Hive (Mr. Tong's office)
      19. Electrogravitic Technology Applications: Hengsha, Alice Garden Pods area (second floor, #144)
      20. Better Than Nature: TYM, shortly after electric floor and before second elevator, look for vent left of the elevator (requires Icarus)
      21. Radical Revolution Is A Reality: TYM, Lee Geng Memorial Laboratory (in the middle of the larger room on a box on the floor)
      22. Brain Implants: TYM, just before end in the hangar in the upper left room
    Final Missions
      23. HUMAN POWERED - Autonomous Energy Reclamation Systems: Picus, take elevator after ambush, hack a door on your right, and go up the stairs to a control room
      24. Healing Thyself - Self Preservation Implants: Picus, before you go through the Sub-Level Access door, turn right, and at the end is a room
      25. Vagus Nerve Stimulators - Repurposing The Technology: Detroit II, Convention Center (first room on the right after you follow Taggart backstage)
      26. Dermal Modification Processes: Detroit II, on Sandoval's desk
      27. Understanding Vision (Part 2): Hengsha II, Harvester's Hideout (northeast room on lowest level)
      28. Delgado And The Stimoceiver: Omega Farm, same floor as Nia Colvin, northeast room near elevator
      29. Reimaging Retinal Implants - Doctor Dobelle's Success: Omega Farm, Megan Reed's room, in her safe (requires Level 5 Hacking)
  • Control camera during dialog During third person non-cutscene dialog with Adam and another character, you can control the camera by holding [Aim] and looking around with the normal controls.
  • All ending sequences The following is a video of all four ending sequences in the game:
  • Blade Runner reference In the list of usernames and passwords for the police station's first floor computers that are found in one of the pocketboys, there is one listed as: user "rdeckert", password "unicorn". This is a reference to the main character in Blade Runner and the unicorn from the visions in the film.
  • Demolition Man reference In the "Windmills" bathroom in the penthouse in China, there are three shells instead of toilet paper. This is a joke in Demolition Man. -From: Sean "MunkieboneZ" Hargrove
  • Deus Ex reference During a side quest, you will encounter Officer Nicholas. You are instructed to eliminate Jacob White, a member of Motor City Bangers. The side quest is named "Smash The State" in the mission log. This is a reference to the original Deus Ex, where "smashthestate" was a security login used to gain access to a central building on Liberty Island. Additionally, the pocket secretary that you pick up from White also references "smashthestate" in the address heading.
  • Fight Club reference In the men's restroom at The Hive, there is a pocket secretary that gives the door code for the back room and also says someone broke the first rule by talking about what goes on in the basement. It is signed T. This is a reference to Fight Club.
  • Final Fantasy reference When you enter Pritchard's office, look on the wall above his motorcycle to see Final Fantasy 27.
  • Forever Alone reference Get to Hengsha (in the first mission upon your arrival). When you reach the hacker's apartment, look underneath the desk or above the computer in the left corner to see the "Forever Alone" meme on a Post-It note.
  • House M.D. reference In the side quest given by Malik in Shanghai (Shanghai Justice), meet with Anonymous X to get an autopsy report. Look closely to see the phrase "All that is necessary for triumph of evil is that good men do nothing", which was a line spoken by House on the TV series. Look to see who wrote the report to see the name "Dr. Gregory H. M.D.".
  • Kevin Mitnick reference Enter the Tai Yong Medical labs. Go to the third floor, and hack into Server Room A-3 at the top of the stairs. Enter the room and computer to find an e-mail sent to famous computer hacker Kevin Mitnick.
  • Megadeth reference Find the secret room in the Singapore hangar. Below the control switch is a level 5 computer and cooling upgrade. Read the e-mail on the computer titled "Hangar 18", from "Dave One". It contains sections of the lyrics to the "Hanger One" song by Megadeath. Additionally, the computer username "MSTAINE" is a reference to band member Dave Mustaine.
  • Robocop reference In the Detroit police station, there is an officer sitting behind a desk named Alex Murphy (Robocop's human precursor name) talking with another person about the Robocop movie.
  • Star Wars reference In the FEMA Detention Center, there is an e-mail on one of the computers titled "Clean up of parking area." After the body of text, there is a postscript: "P.S. Episode 9 tonight? If so, let's go early. I hate standing in lines." This is likely a reference to the rumored continuation of the Star Wars series with a new trilogy of episodes numbered 7-9 set to take place after the original trilogy, as well as a jab at the fact the Star Wars movies are notorious for having long lines on opening weekend.
  • The Office reference One of the computers in the Singapore secret facility has an e-mail that mentions a stapler. The person's name is "Dwayne" (instead of Dwight), and he mentions setting up a hidden camera to catch someone. The bottom of the messages reads "I know you have it Jim."
  • TRON reference In Frank Pritchard's office, there is a poster showcasing a motorcycle that resembles the lightcycle from TRON, and the company name that sells it is "Trongline".
  • Easy "Balls" achievement
  • Easy "Darker Shades" achievement Select the following options in order when talking to the second bartender in The Hive night club in China to convince him to let you see Tong Si Hung and get the "Darker Shades" achievement: "Pinpoint", "Advise", "Pinpoint". Alternately, select "Pinpoint", "Insist", "Pinpoint". Note: The sequences are random, and choosing the indicated options may not always work. Save the game before trying this. If it does not work, reload the saved game, and try again until it works. Additionally, get the CASIE augmentation early so you can manipulate conversations in your favor and win them more easily.
  • Easy "Ghost" achievement
  • Easy "Old School Gamer" achievement At the beginning of the game when you are in Megan's office, click on the following six secret items to get the "Old School Gamer" achievement:
      1. The mini car on the file cabinet next to the fax machine.
      2. The "Being More Effective" book next to the microscope.
      3. The computer.
      4. The picture to the left of the computer.
      5. The newspaper next to the books and plant.
      6. The electronic tablet on the couch.
  • Easy "The Desk Job" achievement Select the following options in order when talking to Wayne Haas in the Detroit Police Department to convince him to let you into the morgue and get "The Desk Job" achievement: "Absolve", "Plead", "Absolve", "Plead". Alternately, select "Absolve", "Absolve", "Plead", "Absolve". Note: The sequences are random, and choosing the indicated options may not always work. Save the game before trying this. If it does not work, reload the saved game, and try again until it works. Additionally, get the CASIE augmentation early so you can manipulate conversations in your favor and win them more easily.
  • Easy "The Final Countdown" achievement Select the following options in order when talking to Hugh Darrow near the end of the game to show him his logic is flawed and get "The Final Countdown" achievement: "Extrapolate", "Appeal", "Extrapolate", "Extrapolate". Alternately, select "Extrapolate", "Critique", "Appeal", "Critique". Note: The sequences are random, and choosing the indicated options may not always work. Save the game before trying this. If it does not work, reload the saved game, and try again until it works. Additionally, get the CASIE augmentation early so you can manipulate conversations in your favor and win them more easily.
  • Easy "The Last Straw" achievement Select the following options in order when talking to Doctor Isaias Sandoval to convince him not to commit suicide and get "The Last Straw" achievement: "Empathize", "Empathize", "Empathize". Alternately, select "Tough Love", "Tough Love", "Inspire". Note: The sequences are random, and choosing the indicated options may not always work. Save the game before trying this. If it does not work, reload the saved game, and try again until it works. Additionally, get the CASIE augmentation early so you can manipulate conversations in your favor and win them more easily.
  • Easy "The Throwdown" achievement Select the following options in order when talking to Bill Taggart to convince him to tell the truth in public and get "The Throwdown" achievement: "Confront", "Confront", "Confront", "Confront". Alternately, select "Discredit", "Redirect", "Confront", "Redirect". Note: The sequences are random, and choosing the indicated options may not always work. Save the game before trying this. If it does not work, reload the saved game, and try again until it works. Additionally, get the CASIE augmentation early so you can manipulate conversations in your favor and win them more easily.
  • Easy "Unforeseen Consequence" achievement At the end of Mission 2, select the following options in order when talking to Zeke Sanders to convince him to let the hostage go and get the "Unforeseen Consequence" achievement: "Try To Free Josie", "Empathize", "Empathize", "Reason". Alternately, select "Try To Free Josie", "Reason", "Empathize", "Reason". Note: The sequences are random, and choosing the indicated options may not always work. Save the game before trying this. If it does not work, reload the saved game, and try again until it works. Additionally, get the CASIE augmentation early so you can manipulate conversations in your favor and win them more easily.
  • Easy "Yes Boss" achievement After you take down the Hitman Squad, you will go back to the penthouse and speak with David Sarif. Select the following options in order when talking to David Sarif to win the argument and get the "Yes Boss" achievement: "Refocus", "Defend", "Refocus", "Defend". Alternately, select "Defend", "Placate", "Defend", "Defend". Note: The sequences are random, and choosing the indicated options may not always work. Save the game before trying this. If it does not work, reload the saved game, and try again until it works. Additionally, get the CASIE augmentation early so you can manipulate conversations in your favor and win them more easily.
  • Steam achievements Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", "My profile", "View all my games", then the game and view stats.
      Acquaintances Forgotten: Follow pritchard's lead to uncover the truth.
      Balls: Seems you like playing with balls, eh?
      Bar Tab: Help the Hive Bartender settle a tab.
      Cloak & Daggers: Deal with the man in the shadows.
      Consciousness is Over-rated: Knock out at least 100 enemies in a single playthrough.
      Corporate Warfare: Protect a client's interests by performing a less-than-hostile takeover.
      Darker Shades: You convinced a fast-talking bartender to let you see Tong Si Hung.
      Deus Ex Machina: Experience all the different endings that Deus Ex: Human Revolution has to offer.
      Doctorate: Read all 29 unique XP books within a single playthrough.
      First Hack: Perform your first Hack successfully.
      First Takedown: Perform your first Takedown. Civilians don't count, so be nice.
      Foxiest of the Hounds: Complete Deus Ex: Human Revolution without setting off any alarms.
      Ghost: You made it through an entire hostile area without making so much as a squeak.
      Good Soul: Against all odds, you saved Faridah Malik's life.
      Guardian Angel: You paid poor Jaya's debt in full. How very... humane... of you.
      Gun Nut: Fully upgrade one of your weapons.
      Hangar 18: You found and read the secret message. Now you know too much...
      Hax0r1!: Successfully hack at least 50 devices within the same playthrough.
      Kevorkian Complex: You granted a dying man his final request.
      Ladies Man: You convinced Mengyao to spill the beans on the mysterious Hyron Project.
      Legend: Complete Deus Ex: Human Revolution at its hardest setting.
      Lesser Evil: Deal with Mr. Carella's indiscretion.
      Lucky Guess: Maybe next time, Jacob will use a more complex code when arming a bomb.
      Motherly Ties: Put a grieving mother's doubts to rest.
      Old School Gamer: You found all the hidden story items in Megan's Office. Point-and-Click much?
      Opportunist: Perform 50 takedowns within the same playthrough. (Civilians don't count.)
      Pacifist: Complete Deus Ex: Human Revolution without anyone dying by your hand. (Boss fights do not count.)
      Rotten Business: Help a lady in the oldest of professions clean house.
      Sentimental Value: You kept Megan's bracelet for yourself. Apparently, letting go really is the hardest part.
      Shanghai Justice: It may take some sleuthing, but justice must be served.
      Smash the State: Help Officer Nicholas take out the trash.
      Super Sleuth: You really nailed your case against Lee Hong.
      Talion A.D.: Descend into the bowels of an urban jungle and confront a warrior-priest.
      The Bull: You defeated Lawrence Barrett, elite member of a secret mercenary hit squad.
      The D Project: You watched the entire credit list and saw the surprise at the end.
      The Desk Job: You convinced Wayne Haas to let you into the morgue.
      The End: You defeated Zhao Yun Ru and by doing so, destroyed the Hyron Project.
      The Fall: You sent Diamond Chan on the trip of a lifetime.
      The Final Countdown: You pointed out the flaws in his logic to millionaire Hugh Darrow.
      The Last Straw: You talked Doctor Isaias Sandoval out of suicide.
      The Mantis: You defeated Yelena Federova, elite member of a secret mercenary hit squad.
      The Snake: You defeated Jaron Namir, Leader of Belltower's Elite Special Operations Unit.
      The Take: Greedy bastard. You accepted O'Malley's blood money and let him go.
      The Throwdown: You convinced the smooth-talking politician Bill Taggart to tell the truth in public.
      Transhumanist: Fully upgrade your first augmentation of choice.
      Trooper: Complete deus ex: human revolution.
      Unforeseen Consequence: You convinced Zeke Sanders to let his hostage go.
      Up the Ante!: Upgrade your first weapon of choice.
      Yes Boss: You had an argument with your boss, David Sarif, and won.
    The following achievements require "The Missing Link" bonus downloadable content:
      All of the Above: You managed to save Dr. Kavanagh and all the prisoners, too.
      Apex Predator: You performed a takedown on Burke without being detected.
      Back Stage Pass: You gained access to Quinn's secret store.
      Factory Zero: You survived The Missing Link using no Praxis kits, weapons, or explosives. Whoa.
      Good Samaritan: You replaced the power supply on a damaged stasis pod, saving the occupant's life.
      Never Forget: You revisited the site where Belltower discovered and captured you.
      Never Stop Looking: You escaped Rifleman Bank Station. Nothing will stop you from finding Megan now.
      Out of the Frying Pan: You made it off the boat... but to what end?.
      That Old Adage: Apparently, your CASIE augmentation doesn't work on everyone...
      The Learn'd Scholar: When the proofs, the figures, were ranged in columns before me...

  • Sabtu, 10 November 2012



    Bagi kamu yang udah denger sebuah lagu yang sungguh wow gitu ini, mungkin agak bingung dan bertanya-tanya ketika si penyanyi bilang,
    “…Kalau memang ku di-PHP-in…”
    Hah? PHP maksudnya apa sih? PHP yang komputer-komputeran itu? Apa hubungannya dengan semua ini?! Ternyata maksudnya bukan itu. PHP di lagu tersebut adalah singkatan dari Pemberi Harapan Palsu. Digunakan untuk ngatain orang-orang yang suka…ngasih harapan palsu. Ya gitu deh.
    “Ah, si Tamara mah cewek PHP!”
    Begitulah. Gampang kan?
    Mudah-mudahan dengan ini kamu makin pandai berbahasa slang dan bisa ikut menjaga kelestarian Bahasa Slang Indonesia. Mari bersama-sama kita jaga kelestarian Bahasa Slang Indonesia!
    Pengen belajar lebih banyak kata-kata slang? Ayo kunjungi!